by Eileen McClory, Dayton Daily News

Artificial intelligence can help students learn several kinds of skills, if used ethically.

Local colleges say using generative AI like ChatGPT in the classroom — with limitations — can teach students skills like critical thinking and judgement.

University policies obtained by the Dayton Daily News generally prohibit students from saying that the work of a generative AI is theirs. Students who use these technologies must cite their sources. Students who are caught can be punished in the same way as if they were caught plagiarizing or cheating on an exam.

Individual professors have been encouraged to use language in the syllabus about the use of AI, but administration of the local colleges and universities have said it’s up to individual professors if they’d like to use AI in the classroom.

Read full article here > 

by Eileen McClory, BizTech Magazine

Eileen McClory is the education reporter for the Dayton Daily News. She grew up in the Dayton area and returned to cover her hometown.

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